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Extra Santa Button for The ELF.B.I and Santa’s Stowaway Book.

Shush - it's totally a secret!


A new collectable piece of Santa magic for children to find on Christmas morning when Santa has really been! Hide the magical button with its secret message for your little ones to find. Perhaps near the door if Santa used his magical key and tripped over the family pet!


When they find it, be prepared for the wonderful sound of Christmas morning excitement as they scream "Santa has really been!" A traditional wooden Santa button of their very own to keep and add to their Santa button collection. Their beaming smile will live in your memory forevermore, creating a festive family tradtion for generations to come.


These extra Santa buttons are available should you wish to have more than the one button provided with your book purchase.

Extra Button - The ELF.B.I and Santa’s Stowaway

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